
ZITex members visited Estonia

Tallin, 24. March 2015 - Public Administration Minister Boris Koprivnikar and the group of selected ICT companies visited Estonia. The purpose of the business trip to Tallin was to exchange experience and knowledge on eGovernment solutions and e-services for citizens. Members of the delegation met the most prominent representatives of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Finance. They also visited the Agency for the Estonian Information System (EISA) and the Centre of Excellence E-Estonia Showroom .

Modernisation of the Slovenian public administration is one of the government priorities. In order to achieve these goals ICT will play an important role because digitalization of business processes significantly improves flexibility and transparency of business processes in public administration and provide more user friendly solutions to the citizens. Minister Boris Koprivnikar believes that sorting and exchanging data among various bodies of the public administration is a key for the development of e-services in the sector, where Slovenia is nearing Estonia, the most advanced European country in terms of e-services.

